Imprint and Data Protection
Principal investigator for this tool is Rebecca Wade.
For legal imprint and data protection information, please check our institute policy, also loaded for your convenience at the bottom of this page.
To contact the team from the tool development/maintainance, please use our Contact page.
Work on Prosat+ was supported by
How to cite Prosat+
If you use Prosat
+ in the course of generating work for publication you should cite the following article:
+ - visualizing sequence annotations on 3D structure. Antonia Stank, Stefan Richter, Rebecca C. Wade. Protein Engineering Design and Selection 2016;
doi: 10.1093/protein/gzw021
This tool uses the following databases and tools:
- RCSB PDB Database:
H.M. Berman, J. Westbrook, Z. Feng, G. Gilliland, T.N. Bhat, H. Weissig, I.N. Shindyalov, P.E. Bourne (2000) The Protein Data Bank
Nucleic Acids Research, 28: 235-242.
We use the REST-full
webinterface of RCSB as well as download full entries.
- UniProt Database:
UniProt: a hub for protein information Nucleic Acids Res. 43: D204-D212 (2015).
UniProt information is retrieved via its XML entry format
- SIFTS database, see Velankar et al., Nucleic Acids Research 41, D483 (2013).
The SIFTS database, maintained at the EBI, provides a mapping between PDB entries and a reference UniProt entry, as well as other datasources.
BLAST tool: NCBI BLAST Download, described here:
Camacho C., Coulouris G., Avagyan V., Ma N., Papadopoulos J., Bealer K., Madden T.L.. (2009) "BLAST+: architecture and applications." BMC Bioinformatics. 10:421.
The BLAST tool is used to search for related UniProt entries and to map features of these entries onto the reference entry. In addition the BLAST tool is used
to find UniProt entries in case the user provides a sequence. From these UniProt entries PDB entries are mapped.
- JSMol visualization (version 14.4.2) is used for the
interactive visualization of the protein structure. It does not require a Java plugin.
- BioJava version 4.2 is used for pairwise sequence alignment of similar sequences
found by blast. This alignment is done using a PAM250 substitution matrix, a gap opening penalty of 6 and a gap extension penalty of 1.
- Play framework 2.4 is used to build the interactive web application.
- Twitter bootstrap 3 is used to generate the HTML user interface elements.
- AngularJS 1, the jQuery plugin
Sidr, and the
Angular-xeditable bundle were used for better usability and
layout of the webserver.